300 Dock Rd

Port Orford, OR 97465

PO Box 490

Port Orford, OR 97465

7:00 am – 3:00 pm M-F

Office Hours


Port Orford Working Waterfront Revitalization Program

Funding Update – September 03, 2024

The Port of Port Orford is actively pursuing diverse funding sources to support its comprehensive Working Waterfront Revitalization Program. This ambitious initiative encompasses several interrelated projects aimed at modernizing infrastructure, expanding operational capabilities, and fostering economic growth in the region. Here is a brief overview of the program’s key projects and their current funding status:

Economic Analysis Project

  • Commission approved revised RFP for Economic Analysis Project at regular meeting on July 16, 2024 agenda.
  • Revised RFP has been sent to Port Attorney for legal review prior to publication.
  • Port Planning and Marketing Fund proposal in development, based on scope of work in RFP. Grants are capped at $50,000.

Supplemental Seawater Delivery System ($500K)

  • Interim solution to meet urgent seawater needs of current and new businesses and serve as supplemental seawater system once new system is in place.
  • Funding Secured: $500K (Business Oregon)
  • Final RFP reviewed and approved by Commission at regular meeting on July 16, 2024.
  • Business Oregon contract has been received and is in review and signature process.
  • RFP has been sent to Business Oregon for review before it is advertised.
  • RFP in review by Port attorney prior to publication.

Crane Replacement Project ($2.3M)

  • Two new 50T cranes, strengthened foundations, 4 Port owned product hoists, and handling equipment, fork lift
  • Funding Secured: $1.6M (Connect Oregon), $694K (Business Oregon)
  • Cranes are nearing completion at construction facility in Italy (see photos here).
  • Foundation work to be bid – RFP in development
  • Status: Project on schedule for June 2025 completion

High-Capacity Seawater Delivery System (~$6M)

  • New high-capacity, Port-owned seawater distribution system for all users
  • Funding Request: $5M (EDA), $1M committed match (State of Oregon)
  • Status: Proposal in development for FY2025 EDA funding cycle, revised on advice of EDA representatives, to include input from review of prior proposal.

Dock Road Slope Stabilization & Strengthening Planning ($315K)

  • Engineering plan for slope stabilization and tsunami evacuation route* fortification
  • Funding Secured: $225K (FEMA), $75K Port match (cash & in-kind)
  • Status: OEM/FEMA has issued award letter. Project initiated July 24, 2024.
  • OEM conducted kick off meeting to review award details and requirements.
  • Draft RFP to be reviewed at Redevelopment Committee meeting September 3, 2024.
  • (* funds are dedicated for slope stabilization and strengthening, not tsunami evacuation)

Port Orford Seafood Hub ($11.85M)

  • Seafood processing facility and related transportation infrastructure
  • Funding Request: $11.25M (MARAD/PIDP), $600K committed match (Connect Oregon)
  • Status: Strengthened proposal submitted on May 10th, RFI received on Wednesday, July 3rd requesting budget breakdown, with response due Monday, July 8th. Response submitted, including budget breakdown from USDA. Awaiting response – expected in mid-October.

Seafood Hub Design

  • Design by USDA AMS Wholesale Markets and Facilities Design Team
  • Documentary completed, supported by USDA and NOAA grants – airs in Fall, ‘24
  • Status: Postproduction renderings available on Development page of Port website.

NOAA National Seafood Strategy Integration

  • Coordinating with NOAA to align the Seafood Hub with the National Seafood Strategy
  • Status: Summary document developed, ongoing collaboration – requesting support for analysis of seafood markets in support of economic analysis project from NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center.

Department of Energy ETIPP

  • DOE’s Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project for energy analysis, resilience, and carbon reduction strategies aligned with the Revitalization Program
  • Status: Application developed, submitted July 10th, with local support from City and OSU, and enthusiastic support from regional partner, Spark Northwest. Program includes 1.5 yrs of technical assistance ($250k in professional services), and bonus $50,000 in funding support to Port for energy transition projects.
  • Project selected and will begin in September, 2024. More information can be found here: DOE – ETIPP

Upcoming Priorities:

  • Advertise RFP for the Supplemental Seawater System Project
  • Advertise RFP for the Economic Analysis Project
  • Prepare RFP for FEMA Geotechnical Project Contract, in collaboration with FEMA
  • Prepare and advertise RFP for Crane foundations
  • Complete EDA proposal for Seawater System
  • Complete Port Planning and Marketing proposal for Economic Analysis
  • Initiate ETIPP project

The Port is actively collaborating with federal and state agencies, leveraging strategic partnerships, and pursuing diverse funding avenues to ensure the successful execution of this comprehensive Working Waterfront Revitalization Program. Regular updates will be provided to stakeholders as significant milestones are achieved.